Monday, January 26, 2009

ode to the atticus

atticus is a man of respect, a man of honor, a man of dignity. he is a man of restraint and a man of duty. he is a man who encompasses each of these strengths and is truly defined when he expects nothing in return.

the atticus are few in today's world. what happened? i do not know. what i do know, is that i hope to be an atticus one day.


Meg said...

"Courage is when you know you're licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and you see it through no matter what"

MJ said...

when i read this book in high school, my teacher was so inspired by atticus finch that he quit teaching and went back to school to become a lawyer. true story.

Will Kindrick said...

How about ode to a new post?!!! You have 24 hours.