Thursday, December 13, 2007

ode to learning

Knowledge is power. Knowledge is freedom. Knowledge bridges the gaps between poverty and wealth, depression and self-esteem, helplessness and autonomy. Be it in the midst of a college atmosphere from a professor lecturing at a podium, or in a timeless classic read for leisure on a lazy summer evening, I am confident that what I learn in life will enrich this experience I call my life. As I become aware of the world in which I live, I will be equipped to act in it, and not to be acted upon. I, therefore, become an agent to do good unto others. A beacon to guide. A mentor to trust.
So let not this pursuit of knowledge become mundane or short lived. Let it not be a bother. Let it not be an obstacle to my happiness in profession. But let it be an adventure. An eternal experiment. A study of me. Of who I am. Of what I can be come. Of truth itself. A study of divinity.


Meg Duffy said...

jonny... this is how I feel... you are a better person than I am. In so many ways.

Brian said...

This is what I pray for during finals.

brooke said...

jo-nothan, im going to start reading your blog as regularly as you read mine (or so you say). you get fashion tips from mine, i get deep insight such as this from yours. perfect exchange.

kathryn said...

hmmm, the transformation of turning into dad has been completed. i fully expect you to start quoting Stephen Covey every 5.94 seconds.